compassion ought not be political: read about refugees

I want to think that all of us, no matter our opinion on the recent Executive Order in the U.S., have hearts of compassion for refugees.

One thing I am concerned about is the politicization of compassion. That in order to support the president, some might choose to suppress thinking about the war-weary, talking about the current humanitarian disaster, remembering brave people who sheltered Jews at the risk of their own lives, and cultivating compassion for the downtrodden, persecuted, threatened ones in our world. In an attempt to feel positive about the order, it is tempting to downplay the wretchedness of the situation. That is a tragedy.

Turkey syrian refugees kurds

Let’s choose to walk in others’ shoes and increase our understanding and compassion, no matter our political persuasion. Shuttering our hearts is not a value of any decent political or religious group.

To that end I’ve compiled a list of books that I’ve previously reviewed. Each is linked to the original review.

I encourage us — all of us — to read books that help us feel more compassion. It’s not political.

1. I did a post about Muslims and refugees a little over a year ago with links to many of the best titles on my blog. You can access that here:

i'm new here cover image copy

sowing seeds of peace and refuge

2. This past year I shared many stories about sheltering Jewish refugees during the Holocaust. Here are those links:


Anne Frank


Irena Sendler and the Children of the Warsaw Ghetto

irena's jars of secrets cover image

Irena’s Jars of Secrets


The Butterfly


Always Remember Me


Passage to Freedom




His Name was Raoul Wallenberg

the grand mosque of paris cover image

The Grand Mosque of Paris: A Story of how Muslims Rescued Jews during the Holocaust

the greatest skating race cover image

The Greatest Skating Race


The Lion and the Unicorn

odette's secrets cover image

Odette’s Secrets

3. Here are more titles about the immigrant and refugee experience not included in that first grouping:


We Came to America

their great gift cover image

Their Great Gift: Courage, Sacrifice, and Hope in a New Land


The Journey

goodbye 382 shin dang dong cover image

Goodbye, 382 Shin Dang Dong

grandfather's journey cover

Grandfather’s Journey

the matchbox diary cover image

The Matchbox Diary

my father's boat

My Father’s Boat

my name is sangoel cover image

My Name is Sangoel

the thanksgiving door cover image

The Thanksgiving Door

in the year of the boar cover

In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson

ting ting cover image by aileen kamonzeki

Ting Ting

the turtle of oman cover image

The Turtle of Oman

it ain't so awful falafel cover image

It Ain’t So Awful, Falafel


A Long Pitch Home

child soldier cover image

Child Soldier: When Boys and Girls Are Used in War

dreams of freedom cover image

Dreams of Freedom

4. Finally, I love this nativity story reminding us that Jesus, Joseph, and Mary were refugees:

