five for wondering, observing, and imagining

Today’s five picture books beckon us to wonder,
to slow down and really look,
to imagine unusual scenarios,
and to take a delightfully fresh look at an old nursery rhyme.

What If One Day…
written by Bruce Handy, illustrated by Ashleigh Corrin
published in 2023 by Enchanted Lion Books

“What if” questions are favorites with young children. Their stretchy minds easily conjure up outlandish possibilities and inside-out worlds to ponder, and those traits of imagination and curiosity are of immense value.

A parade of “what if” questions comprise this book, along with joyous celebrations of what is. “What if one day all the birds flew away?” the text asks. Rather than maudlin responses to this proposal, there are marvelously childlike, ingenious replies. “Mornings would be quieter…Worms could relax.”

But in a grand reversal the text goes on to exclaim, “But there are birds!” What a joy! What a wonder! And then we’re on to the next “what if.”

Brilliant mind food, fabulous bold-as-brass artwork, curious questions, and exuberant observations about our rich world, are all wrapped up in this gem of a book for ages 3 or 4 and up.

Slowly Slowly
written and illustrated by Toni Yuly
published in 2023 by Atheneum Books for Young Readers

I love a quiet book and this one is as cheerfully serene as they come. In it we are coaxed to slow down because when you do, you see more. Oh, that is so true! It’s something I’ve had a chance to practice more since I began my yard restoration project, and what a balm of peace that slowness, seeing, appreciating, and really knowing generates.

The first scene in the book shows us a bare branch, an empty stretch of land, a little boy and his dog outside on hands and knees gazing at a snail. One rock. One wee turtle.

With each turn of the page, the scene slowly morphs. Weather changes. New creatures arrive. The tree branch buds out. A multitude of small transformations take place slowly, slowly, until quite an altered, joyful scene appears in the end. The minimal text steps back and allows children to literally slow down and notice what has transpired. It’s a fabulous book to share with children ages 2 and up.

Eye Spy
written and illustrated by Ruth Brown
first published in Great Britain; first US edition 2023 by Scallywag Press

The observational skills honed in Slowly Slowly will stand you in good stead as you try to spy out the creatures cleverly camouflaged in this beautiful book.

Eleven riddles fill these pages. Each one presents us with a gorgeous painting of an outdoor scene, an animal hiding in it, and a clue to help us guess what we’re spying out. And let me tell you, these animals are truly hard to spot!

Turn the page and along with the answer to the riddle, a small portion of the scene containing the hidden creature is zeroed in on so if we couldn’t locate it, we can try again, knowing just where to look. Come spy out a meadow mouse and a brown bunny, a warty ol’ toad and fuzzy fox. It’s another lovely slow-it-down book to share with ages 3 or 4 and up.

Later, When I’m Big
written by Bette Westera, illustrated by Mattias De Leeuw, translated by Laura Watkinson
originally published in Belgium in 2021; English edition 2023 by Eerdmans Books for Young Readers

Another source of endless daydreaming for children comes from speculating on what they’ll do when they’re all grown up. What elaborate lives they imagine they’ll lead!

The little gal in this story is off for a day at a marvelous public garden and pool with her mom. As she splashes and slides, gazes at the lush palms and swooping vines, her imagination rockets off to all the brave, spectacular adventures she’ll have when she’s big.

From kissing elephants to diving with mermaids, flying to Saturn and swinging on a trapeze, we travel high and low, near and far, to all the fantastical scenes she conjures up. Vibrant, colorful scenes, all swishy and magical and lovely fill these pages and transport us right along with her. A truly delightful ode to imagination for ages 4 and up.

A Spider Named Itsy
written and illustrated by Steve Light
published in 2023 by Candlewick Press

Finally, Steve Light has done some fabulous imagining for us as he unpacks the story of the Itsy Bitsy Spider. What a riot this is!

I mean, did you ever ask yourself why Itsy was climbing up the waterspout in the first place? Turns out her homey web, where she was minding her own business having a nice cup of tea, was smashed to pieces by a falling branch.

The top of the waterspout looks like a dandy place for a new beginning so up Itsy climbs. But things are not that easy, if you know your nursery rhyme, because “down comes the water and washes the spider out.” How does all of this transpire? Now, in this exclusive report, you can read the Full and Complete Tale of Itsy’s Adventures along with meeting loads of other neighborhood folk, enduring gales and travails, repairs and despairs, and arriving at a sunshiny ending. A heroic saga for ages 3 and up!

As always I’ll be back soon with more gems.
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